Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Strike 2!

Every cause holds a parade, usually passing the Cathedral on the Plaza de Armas.

A rolling series of strikes stopped work in Cuzco again Tuesday, with the General Confederation of Workers of Peru calling it a National Day of Protest.

I don´t know if anyone knows exactly what these strikes are aiming to achieve. The strikers parade in droves, with different causes as their objective. All want jobs, but some dislike food additives, some dislike imports, some dislike government rules.

Most of the unionists looked pretty hard core, which is an international phenomenon.

Every street corner had delegations of workers by type of job, the market, candy vendors, newspapers, construction workers, political parties, traders, transporters, university students and more.

The union claimed that that 90% of workers joined the action, and I find that highly suspect. There simply weren´t that many people out anywhere.

Cops were ready, carrying shotguns, tear gas launchers, shields and more.

There wasn´t any trouble reported anywhere, except for a couple of burning tires left in intersections.

Once again, traffic was extremely light, as commerce was discouraged in general. But most restaurants were open, and tourists don´t need much else.

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