Saturday, October 11, 2008

Holey mackeral

This manhole cover was missing on the busy Avenida del Sol for five days.

One of the more bizarre aspects of life in Cuzco is the number of holes in the street and in sidewalks.

They are everywhere. One needs to watch one´s step, or you´ll go down in a hurry.

Sometimes, the hole is the result of collapsed cement.

Some of the holes in the sidewalks are only a few inches deep. Others are a foot or more. Enough to lose a shoe, or break a leg.

There´s no telling whether this piece was taken, or if it broke.

None of the locals seem to notice the holes. They walk or work right past them, without batting an eye.

Half of the holes in the sidewalks are missing utility box covers. I think they´re mostly water control access boxes.

This manhole cover near my host family´s house has been missing more than a week.

Theft must rank as a top probability for the missing manhole covers. It might be the same gang that was robbing the lids in Elgin.

Some thoughtful soul placed a large rock in this hole.

Someone eventually puts a rock into a hole, which cuts the chances of serious injury. Sometimes, it´s a piece of wood over the hole.

The top manhole had some kind of construction material stuck in it for a few days, an apparent attempt to help motorists. The bottom manhole had four sizable rocks around it for three days.

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