Sunday, August 31, 2008

The George LeClaire Memorial Post

See the shadow of "el colibrí" on the bucket?

Before scaling the burro path on Friday, I took a taxi to the top of the town, and walked along the road, which parallels the town only for a half mile before turning in different directions on either end. I´d hoped to get the vista shot there.

While that was a dead end, the next venture was not. It was hot, and I had to walk about a mile or so back into town, and I wasn´t looking forward to it. What to do? Cerveza usually helps figure it out. There just happened to be a place nearby. Nice little outdoor place behind tall walls. Ordered the old Cuzqueña Negra and lo and behold, as I sat there -- a hummingbird. Nigh on 8,000 feet up in the damn clouds, and there a hummingbird.

I only got the one shot. Being colorblind, I´m a little disadvantaged at telling whether everyone can clearly see the bird. It´s a little to the right and above the shadow outline. Hence, I´ll keep my eye out for anglers and bicyclists.

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